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Important Dates

July 5, 2022—Voter registration deadline for Primary

July 6, 2022—Ballots mailed / drop boxes available

July 22, 2022—Last day to request a Ballot in the mail

July 26, 2022—Last day to mail in Ballot

August 2, 2022—Primary Election Day

October 11, 2022—Last day for voter registration

October 12, 2022—Ballots mailed / drop boxes available

October 28, 2022—Last day to request a Ballot in the mail

November 1, 2022—Last day to mail in Ballot

November 8, 2022—General Election Day

Voting by Mail

Below is information to help you mail in your ballot:

  1. Ballots will be mailed by July 6 for the Primary Election and October 12 for the General Election.

  2. When you receive your ballot, be sure to vote for our recommended candidates and propositions.

  3. Put your ballot in the envelope, sign your signature, and send it in the mail no later than July 26 for the Primary Election and November 1 for the General Election to ensure it is received by Election Day.

  4. You may also drop off your ballot at ballot drop off locations or vote in person at an early voting center or on Election Day.

Voting In Person

  1. You may vote in person on Election Day on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

  2. Find your polling location. Double check your polling location or nearest voting center as locations may have changed due to COVID-19.

  3. Bring your ID.

  4. Wear a mask.

  5. For any voting questions, please call the Voter Assistance Hotline at 1-833-VOTE-4-AZ.

Vote for Strong Public Schools AZ

Be sure to check out AEA's recommendations for Local Association recommendations for school bonds and overrides.

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